Monday, February 28, 2011

Just one of those days...

Today was just one of those days where I felt like I was going to start crying if anything went even the slightest bit wrong. I guess it was the after effects of last night's melt down... Thankfully I have friends who are very supportive and know just how to handle me :) I thank God for them daily. I don't know what I would do without them. They are seriously the best friends any one could ever ask for.
I've been meaning to post a blog about myself just so you could kinda get to know me... But obviously that hasn't happened. Maybe tomorrow :)
TAKS is tomorrow... Good luck to all you who will be having to take it! You'll do great, just stay relaxed and pray. I'm not stressed like some are (I'm sorry if you're one of those people! It'll be okay!) tests don't bother me... I'm blessed to be a good test taker. So I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow because it's the Reading/Language Arts test which means I get to write my personal narrative! I love writing.
Tomorrow is a new day, make the best of it :)

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Seriously. My brother is a senior (for those of you who don't know) and so next year he will be 7 1/2 hours away. I don't know what I'm going to do without him. He's seriously the best big brother in the world. I always go to him for advice and he makes time to listen to me and help how he can. I'm going to miss him SO much. I don't think he realizes how much of an impact he has on my life. I love him so much and am going to be completely lost without him.
I can't stand the thought that he's leaving in approximately 6 months and I don't want to even think about it. So please don't mention it. Seriously I want to cry just writing this... (Okay that's a lie. I am crying.) I had my first public beak down tonight when Jacob said something about how quickly he'd be gone. I had to run out of the auditorium and didn't even make it out before I broke down and started bawling. Cassidee chased after me and held me while I cried reassuring me... Then she started crying. It was bad. Next year is going to be bad.
I'm gonna miss him more than he knows.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Through New Eyes

I went to the Eye Doctor today and just as I guessed, my prescription had changed. So I got stronger contacts (and picked out some super cute glasses!!!) I was amazed when I was driving home how much crisper and cleaner everything looked. And my eyes hadn't gotten that much worse... But the point 5 difference in prescription sure changed the way I was seeing! Everything looked bright, new and exciting! I was laying out on our trampoline looking at all the trees around me and I could see every branch perfectly, every little twig that came off those branches were crisp and the tree was so sharp! It got me thinking.... If such a little change in a prescription can make such a huge change in our vision, I can't even imagine how amazing everything will look when Jesus comes back and we're taken to Heaven and get to see everything through new eyes, God's eyes. I personally can't wait for the day!
 Have a great weekend :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Note(s) to Self...

So you know how I said that sometimes I wanted to post lessons learned...? Wellll today is the day!
Lesson number One: Cutting your own bangs is not as easy as it looks or sounds. So when you get the sudden urge at 9:30 one night don't act on it right away. Go to bed and think about it. If the next day it still sounds like a good idea then go for it!
If you didn't realize it... Yes, last night about 9:30 I got the sudden urge to cut my own bangs... It was bad. And I mean BAD! Luckily I was able to wake up this morning and fix them (after I had a mini melt down last night) and they actually turned out kinda cute. So all in all it wasn't that bad... but it had potential to be.
Lesson number Two: Don't try to dry a sign which is completely covered in white paint on one side by waving it in the air and... I don't know... gently tossing it up. It's likely that it'll end up wet-side down on the floor. Yeah, that happened too.
I think we learned some very important lessons today... Well important might be exaggerating but at least we know how to not handle those situations! Maybe next time I'll actually have an important life lesson to share.  :)
Good night guys. Have a great day tomorrow! It's a new day. Make the best of it.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Beginning Fresh :)

So those of you who follow my blog (or did follow my blog, as I haven't written anything in forever) will notice that all of my older posts have been deleted. Something about today made me want to restart. I read a blog and at the end the writer always says "Smile, tomorrow is a new day!" and it made me think about how every day is a fresh start. We all have our bad days but thankfully we're given another day (God willing of course!) to make it better.
I'm excited about starting to write again. I'm hoping to write a little something each day... Maybe a lesson I learned or just a thought that I want to share or maybe just a little about my day so you can get to know me better. Either way I hope you find something interesting or thought provoking. Feel free to comment to your hearts content :)
I hope you had a great day and if it wasn't necessarily then remember... Tomorrow is another day :)