Friday, February 25, 2011

Through New Eyes

I went to the Eye Doctor today and just as I guessed, my prescription had changed. So I got stronger contacts (and picked out some super cute glasses!!!) I was amazed when I was driving home how much crisper and cleaner everything looked. And my eyes hadn't gotten that much worse... But the point 5 difference in prescription sure changed the way I was seeing! Everything looked bright, new and exciting! I was laying out on our trampoline looking at all the trees around me and I could see every branch perfectly, every little twig that came off those branches were crisp and the tree was so sharp! It got me thinking.... If such a little change in a prescription can make such a huge change in our vision, I can't even imagine how amazing everything will look when Jesus comes back and we're taken to Heaven and get to see everything through new eyes, God's eyes. I personally can't wait for the day!
 Have a great weekend :)

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