Monday, February 21, 2011

Beginning Fresh :)

So those of you who follow my blog (or did follow my blog, as I haven't written anything in forever) will notice that all of my older posts have been deleted. Something about today made me want to restart. I read a blog and at the end the writer always says "Smile, tomorrow is a new day!" and it made me think about how every day is a fresh start. We all have our bad days but thankfully we're given another day (God willing of course!) to make it better.
I'm excited about starting to write again. I'm hoping to write a little something each day... Maybe a lesson I learned or just a thought that I want to share or maybe just a little about my day so you can get to know me better. Either way I hope you find something interesting or thought provoking. Feel free to comment to your hearts content :)
I hope you had a great day and if it wasn't necessarily then remember... Tomorrow is another day :)

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